Goals & Objectives
- Ability to read and memorize the Qur’an according to how it was revealed
- Know the rules of the Qur’an (Tajweed)
- Know the correct pronunciation’s (Makharij)
- Ability to express oneself with correct Arabic language
- To Know Allah SWT and unify Him (Tawheed)
- Knowing the classification of ascribing partners with Allah (Shirk)
- Immediate practice of what we’ve learnt (The practicable one’s)
- Imbibe sound basic knowledge about the pillars of Islam, Eeman and Ihsaan
- Recommend good books with their authors to student
- Student’s ability to use Arabic dictionary comfortably
- Have knowledge certain basics and their terminologies (اصول)
- Learn the basic rulings of Islam (Fiqh/Ahkaam)
- Imbibe decency and humility to the students
- Students will learn noble characters most especially from life of the prophet and the Sahabas
- Students should know the middle cause of the religion and not extremism
- Students should be able to extract lessons from text and not quoting out of context
- Students will also learn to uphold noble characters even out of the program
- Extending the lessons and Arabic language to their immediate families
- Students to know the status of their tutors and learn to respect them
- Use all authentic revealed Qur’anic revelations, with more concentration on Hafs and warsh
- Each student will memorize according to his pace, not group memorization
- It is expected each student recites slowly (tarteel) anytime they are expected to
- Each student should memorize at least a page daily, although from beginning they will be introduced to half page based on assimilation
- Students will write all verses they memorized before proceeding to other verses
- All other learnings will be practically disseminated (prayers, fasting, clothing etc)
- Each student will recite what he/she has memorized after Asr daily
- Sheikhs should be available at anytime for students to seek correction or questions
- Only tutors who have memorized the Qur’an will be used
- Only Arabic will be used as a mode of communication for both students and instructors
- Only fluent Arabic speaking instructors will be used, with emphasis on authentic religious background (Aqeedah)
- The program will be continuously run in sha Allah.
- The program will be run by as much tutors as the situation may warrant, at most fifty students to a tutor
- The classes will run every day, only Thursdays and Fridays will be brake
- All students will live in the school (boarders)
- Only children from seven years of age will be admitted for now
- There might be room for younger students to return home and come every day if the situation warrants he tutors to also live in the school, so as to ensure proper monitoring
- Memorization for the day starts by 3:30 – Fajr, after Fajr- 7:00am (tea Break) then from 7:30am (after tea break) till 10:00am when students will go for breakfast. Students will observe siesta after breakfast till 12:30pm when they will observe Dhuhr then continue till 3:00pm pause for lunch and Asr the classes will continue till 9:00pm (considering all prayer times)
- Each tutor is supposed to go through the curriculum and the course he is tutoring to split the topics based on the specified weeks
- Any teacher whose conduct is not satisfactory will be replaced immediately
- Tutors should have routine checks for students based on duty days to ensure all rules and regulations are followed
- Revision and memorization period should be within the periods mentioned above, but based on the tutor’s discretion
- Penalize whoever speaks any other language apart from Arabic. (Except for any special reason permitted by tutors)
- Naseehah sessions will be organized as time goes on, either monthly, quarterly or as situation may warrant
- All the classes will be held either in the mosque or classroom
Why Choose Us
Our center has many segments towards guiding the ummah
It is the intensive memorization segment that boards children between the ages of 7 and 14. It caters for their feeding, uniform, housing and other curriculum activities.
Mode of Study
The only mode of communication is Arabic apart from learning it in class they also communicate among themselves.
Mode of Communication
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Our Subjects
The main subject of learning is memorizing the Qur’an, which is the basics.
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