About IRC School
Quran Memorization, Intensive classes, Holiday Classes, Adult education, Islamic lectures, Guidance & Councelling
The main subject of learning is memorizing the Qur’an, which is the basics. The students will be taught how to read and write the Qur’an. They will also memorize Hadeeth, Fiqh, Tauheed, and Adhkaar. We will also imbibe good manners and character in the children.
Mode of study:
Our modes of study includes classroom tutoring and practical demonstration by our trained teachers.
The only mode of communication is Arabic apart from learning it in class they also communicate among themselves.

Our School Programs
Islamic Resort Centre is is an encompassing Islamic centre
2 Years Qur'an memorization
This is our main program that only accommodates children between the ages of 7 and 14. It's an opportunity for children to memorize the Qur'an, learn and speak Arabic, memorize a reasonable knowledge of hadith, Tawheed,Tajweed, Fiqh and other beneficial knowledge and reputable characters according Qur'an and sunna as practiced by the Salaf. The duration for this program is 2 years for an average student. It can be more or less depending on the child's ability. The sessions usually start in Muharram and ends in Dhul-Hijjah.
Holidays program
This program is for students of 7 above that are on holidays in their schools and intend to memorize the Qur'an partly or fully. They also have the opportunity to learn and speak Arabic in the said period. Learn good conducts and characters and other beneficial knowledge. The period of this studies depends on the available dates for the students either in weeks, months or annual.
Intensive program (Accelerated Learning)
This is a program meant for the students that are able to memorize the whole Qur'an from the 2 years program. This is meant to prepare them from what they've missed. They are well groomed and prepared to meet up or surpass their mates. The Qur'an assists them a lot in coping and assimilation so they can fit in to the national curriculum without missing any year.
Orphan program
This is an initiative to fully sponsor orphans annually by the centre. Guardians of the Orphan can reach out for a scheduled interview. Only successful candidates will be contacted. Also interested persons can reach out to sponsor orphans by paying the full fees. You can reach out for more information.